

Sleepy Time

Sleeping like Daddy.


Tummy Time

Oh Momma, that feels good.


Bath Time

Daddy's arms are the best place to be after bath time.

Lucas' Blanket

I managed to get Lucas' blanket done just a few days after he come. Can't wait for him to start using it.


Workout-week 1

I started working out last Monday and even though I have not lost any weight yet, I feel great. Started out Monday with a little Wii Fit and then the 100 push up challenge. Tuesday & Thursday I ran on the treadmill, only 1 mile but I have to start somewhere. Wednesday & Friday I just did the push up challenge and then Saturday I went for a mile run outside. Still not a great time, but I pushed myself more outside and took 2 minutes off my time from the treadmill. This week I plan on starting Jillian's 30 day shred and my plan is Monday, Wednesday, Friday-shred & push up challenge and then Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday will run 1 mile each day.

I am going to increase my running each week by 1 mile for the next 3 weeks and then work on my time. I am going to shoot for running a 5K on Thanksgiving morning out in Chesterfield and then maybe a 10K in January. I don't think I have every been this motivated to workout before and it feels great. I have an awesome support system in my husband & my girls.



I am so excited that I have been released from the doctor to workout. It has been a long time and I can't believe I am saying this, but I am super excited to be able to workout and run again. Now I know that I can't just jump in and be able to run right away. I have to work up to it, but at least I can start. Just so happens that a good friend of mine send out a new challenge today for all the girls. So what better way to start my workout routine, then a little challenge. It is 100 push up in 6 weeks and is designed to build your strength. For the complete plan, click here.

So today I am going to start with a little Wii Fit and then day 1 of the challenge. Soon, I will be ready for the GO St Louis Half in April.


Lucas update

Today Lucas had an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist to follow up after his ECHO that was done almost 2 weeks ago. And we are happy to have some good news. It looks like he has a ventricular septal defect. In none medical terms, he has a small opening in the wall that separates the 2 sides of the lower heart. When the heart pumps the blood back out into the body, a small amount is flowing back into the other ventricular which flows back into the lungs. The doctor listened to his heart and did not hear much of a murmur, so he decided to do another ECHO so he could see the heart as well. As I said, he does have a small hole/opening but it looks like it actually closing up when he breathes, so not much blood is flowing back. Very good news. The doctor says that it will either stay the same size, or get smaller as he gets older and will not require any type of surgery. So at this time, they are going to see him again in 6 weeks for a followup. And then hopefully won't have to see him much at all. So like I said, very good news.


Lucas update

So it seems that Lucas really is going to be stubborn. When he was born, the doctor noticed a slight heart murmur but did not seem too worried about it. He checked it again at his 2 week appointment and he still had it, but it was not as bad. The doctor wanted Lucas to get an ECHO done to see what is going on. If there is something there, he wanted to catch it early. So we went yesterday to Cardinal Glennon yesterday. Lucas did very well and only got a little fussy a couple of times. The pediatrician has already received the results and it seems that Lucas has a slight heart defect. He wants Lucas to see a heart specialist to look at it closer but he still does not seem very worried about it. So we will go back to Cardinal Glennon sometime next week to see the specialist and will update when we know more.