
My Cool Dude

I'm too cool enjoying this nice January weather!!


Monday (Tuesday) Check In

I did not do my weekly check in last week because I forgot and actually could not remember what workouts I did the previous week. I have not been able to work out as much as I would like as I started to get back pain again. So I reached out to some of my girlfriends and went to see a chiroprator. They took x-rays of my spine and lets just say it was not pretty. No wonder I have back pain. So I have started some exercises for my back as well as weekly adjustments. I am feeling better but still not working out as much as I would like. Still trying to find that balance of family/house stuff/me time.

I ran 3 miles last night and it felt pretty good (the 65 degree weather might have helped too). I have started to eat better at work and not snack as much. In 2 weeks I have lost about 2lbs. It is not great but at least a start. So till next week.


At it again

I know I have been away from the blog world for some time but I am going to take a shot at it again. I started working out again, so I figure I can keep a log of what I am doing & my results. And I will TRY to post some pictures of the little ones or funny stories from them. So lets start with the workout. Monday check in... It has been really hard for me to start working out again after this pregnancy. I just always seem to make an excuse. I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving and have not done anything since then. I always make this great plan of running so many days per week & then doing some other type of workout as well. So time to change it up again. I got Zumba for the Wii for Christmas & am signing up to do the Go St Louis Marathon Relay in April. I started out slow with Zumba as I have no idea of the moves. So Lucas & I did a few songs Tuesday. He seemed to have fun & I started to get a little sweat going on. I can only imagine what it will be like when I do a full class. Then I ran about 1.8 miles on Thursday night. It felt so good to get out there and run again. I also got my butt out there last night in the cold and ran thanks to a good friend and her text. I plan to run 2-3 times this week as well as some more Zumba. So until next Monday's check in.