
Baby Update-Countdown

So we had our 37 week appointment yesterday along with an ultrasound. Not much as changed since last week, so much to update. My fluid is still a little high but not anything that they are concerned with. They are just going to keep an eye on it and do another ultrasound at my checkup next week. But unless he decides to come on his own, we are going to schedule an induction on Sept 15th. So let the countdown begin.


Baby Update-36 weeks

So as I said earlier, we had an ultrasound on Monday and then meet with the doctor on Thursday. As I guessed, he is a big boy. Now of course the weight is not always accurate, but he is measuring about 8 pounds already. And I still have 3 weeks to go. I am already about 1cm dilated and less then 50% effaced. So we have some options: c-section, induction (about 39 weeks), or just wait and see. We are going to have another ultrasound on Monday because the fluid is a bit high. It should be at 25% and I am at 26%. So just a little high.

As of right now, we are going to wait and see what my body does. There is no way of knowing if I will be able to deliver until labor actually starts. Good thing, my doctor does not want to do a C-section unless she has too.

So until next Monday.


Baby Update

So we had our ultrasound on Monday and got to see the little man again. He is so cute with these chubby checks. I just can't wait to pinch them. We don't have much information yet since we will see the doctor today. But the tech did mention that he has lots of hair and is going to be tall. Which I'm happy about because height does not run in my family. So with 3 1/2 weeks to go, I am getting to 'that' point. You know what I mean, uncomfortable, tired and just wanting him to get here. I will update later today after we see the doctor and post some of the ultrasound pictures. But not all, because my son now has his 1st (well I guess 2nd) porn shot of his junk. The tech was excited to get the shot.


Baby Update-34 Weeks

I figure I have not posted in a long time, so what better way to get back into it then with a baby update. We went to the doctor today for our 34 week checkup. Everything looks good and once again I measured big. This has been the case since our 20 week ultrasound. I have measured anywhere between 1-2 weeks ahead of were I should be. So the nurse decided to schedule another ultrasound. They just want to get an idea of his weight. We have an ultrasound scheduled for August 23rd during the 36th week. I am actually excited because I will get to see what he looks like since it has been so long. I have always said that I had a feeling that he was coming early, so I might just be right.

I have been feeling pretty good with the exception of this horrible heat. It is draining my energy even more and I don't have much to spare right now. He has been VERY active lately which has become painful, kicking in my ribs and stuff.

So with it getting so close to my due date, I am getting super excited but frustrated. I still have 2 more showers to go and I hate that I can't go out and get the things that we still need. Stan & I are usually so prepared and this is driving us crazy. And Babies R US has had sales on some of the bigger things.

More info to come in 2 weeks.