
P90X-phase 1

So I ran my first half after having the baby but was not at the weight I wanted to be at. So I decided to start P90X. This is a butt kicking workout. It works on the philosophy of muscle confusion. What is muscle confusion you ask? P90X uses targeted training phases so your body keeps adapting and growing. You'll never "plateau"—which means your body will never get used to the routines, making improvements slow down or even stop. That came from their website, but it just means that you work out different parts of the body each day so your muscles don't get used to it. You have 3 different phases of 3 weeks each and a recovery week. But in all reality, there it is not the recovery that you might think. You are still working out 6 days, but just not as intense.

So my results so far. I won't tell my weight, but I have lost 2 lbs & 1 inch off my waist. I am not upset that I did not lose much weight, because that is apparently how it seems to work. The weight will come off later. If I get brave enough at the end, I will post my before & after pictures.

So onto phase 2