
Snack Time

This dinosaur tastes yummy.


Proud Grandparents

Grandma Prendergast

Grandpa Prendergast

Grandma Ponder

Grandpa Ponder


The Arrival

Some of you have heard the story of Lucas' arrival and some have not. So here are the details. We went to the doctor on Monday, Aug 30th for our 37 week appointment. Not much had changed as I was still 1cm. My doctor talked about the possibility of inducing me on the 15th if he did not come sooner. Then on Tuesday, my water had started to break (even thought I did not know at the time) I figured that it was a result of the exam the day before since I was not have any major contractions and they were not very close together at all. Maybe 1 an hour. So I went to work Wednesday and just did not feel right. My back was hurting, I was still leaking and had some minor contractions. I took some Tylenol hoping that would help my back and went to lunch. When I got back about 12:30, my water had broken and there was some major leaking. I got my things together and heading home to call the doctor because I was still not sure if my water had broken. They told me to go to the hospital and get checked out. I tried to call Stan at work and could not get a hold of him, so I had to call the office for them to get him out of class. I finally got to talk to Stan and told him that I was going to the hospital and to meet me there.

I got there about 2pm and he got there around 3pm. They checked me out and confirmed that my water had broken and they were going to move me to labor & delivery. We were defiantly not ready for this since it was 18 days from my due date. Good thing I had my back packed already and grabbed in on my way. They started me on pitocin sometime around 5 and that began the waiting game. I did not begin the hard labor until after midnight and was starting to get uncomfortable. they continued to increase the pitocin I had progressed to about 3cm by early morning. Not sure what time it was because the pain was getting intense. I finally decided to get the epidural around 5am which seemed to take forever. She was having problems getting in my back and probably took over 30 minutes, but I was starting to feel good after that. I believe I was about 4cm at this point, I am not completely sure. It got to be about noon and they checked me again. I had only managed to get to about 5cm, so they called the doctor.

At this point, my water had been broken for almost 2 days and even with the intense/good contractions not much was happening. I talked to my doctor and she said the dreaded words, c-section and of course I did not want that. She agreed to wait another hour and see where I was at and then we would go from there. They was a lot praying and Stan talking to Lucas trying to get him moving. The hour came and went and they checked me again and I was only at about 5 1/2-6 cm and I was starting to get a fever. They decided for the safety of me & Lucas to go ahead with the c-section. I of course cried & Stan cried (even though it was not in front of me).

But Lucas was born Sept 2nd at 2:59pm weighting a healthy 8lbs 8ozs. That would be 17 days early. I guess he was just so excited to join us and our crazy family.


Lucas James

Introducing Lucas James Ponder. He decided to join us 17 days early on Sept 2nd at 2:59 pm. He weighted a healthy 8lbs 8ozs and was 20 inches long.

Pregnancy Photos

Stan & I took some pregnancy pictures with Rachel back in August. She took some here at the house and then we went up the park and got some great shoots. Here are a few of my favorites, even though all of them were great.

For all the other pictures click here.