
Susan G Komen

As many of you know, the Susan G Komen for the Cure is an organization that helps raise awareness for breast cancer and money for research. I have always talked about participating in the race/walk downtown but never actually followed through with it. So I have just signed up on the Blues team and am going to run the 5k with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. I am also raising money for the Cure. If you would like to help out, but don't want to run/walk in June, you can donate through my page.


Thanks so much for anything that you give even if it is just prayers.


Simply J Crochet

So Rachel talked about this company on her blog and has some pictures of her Carli Grace with some of the products. These are so stinking cute and I wish I had a child so that I could buy them. Maybe I will just have to buy some for my nieces. She makes booties, hats and hair clips for girls & boys. Check out Rachel's blog to see her pictures of her daughter modeling a hat and mary janes.



Vacation Preview

So as you can see I have not posted in awhile because we have been on vacation since last Friday. Oh and what a vacation. So here is a preview and I will expand on everything when I get home and have more time. We left last Friday and after 14 hours, rush hour in Nashville, construction in Georgia, we finally made it to our hotel at 3:30 in the morning. Then we got on the cruise ship Saturday afternoon and spend much of the afternoon and the next day sitting by the pool. Monday we were at Costa Moya and went to 2 Mayan ruins. Tuesday we went to Belize and went tubing and more3 Mayan ruins. Then we went through the captial of Belize( a first for the tour) and say a LA Lakers tomb and a fisherman that flipped us off. I wish I would have gotten a picture of it. Wednesday was more sitting by the pool on the ship and then back to land on Thursday. So we have spend the last 2 days driving back and will be home tomorrow. Like I said I will provide more details and some pictures in the next couples of days.



So I hope this is not an indication as to how my vacation is going to be. I was driving home last night from work and got rear-ended on highway 70. I'm still not completly sure how it all happened but all I know is this guy hit me and I hit the lady in front of me. Now everything is okay and not much damage to my car at all. The lady in front of me was at a complete stop and I was almost at a complete stop when he hit me. Like I said not much damage to my car at all, heck I probably won't even turn it in. Thank God for spare tires on the back, that is probaly what saved me. Now the other guy has some damage and it will cost a pretty penny I'm sure.

So like I said I hope this is not an indication as to how my vacation is going to be. I have only 8 hours of work and then we leave for florida tomorrow afternoon and cruise on Saturday. I will be sure to post plenty of pics when I get back.