
Learn a Little Link a Lot (from Rachel)

I thought it would be fun to post Learn A Little, Link A Lot!
What is this, you ask?
This is a post to allow all of us bloggers to get to know each other a little better.
Here is what you do:
1. Post 10 things about yourself.
2. Post 5 blogs that you really enjoy to go to.
3. Post 1 thing that you received for FREE lately that you are really excited about!
4. Come back here and post on Mr. Linky so we can all learn a little bit about you.
If you don't have a blog, please post a comment here with your things.I would love to know a little more about all you wonderful people!
(Please don't post things that will make you a target for spam or otherwise not nice people.)

10 things about myself:
1) They always say that you will marry your father and I actually did (in some ways) My dad was a teacher and I married a teacher.
2) I deathly afraid of semitrucks on the highway. I am not sure why, but always have been scared of them.
3) I am sort of a daredevil...I am always the one that has the stupid ideas and will do them like cliff jumping or sky diving.
4) I hope one day that Stan will be able to make good money so that I can stay at home with the kids (when we have them). But am sure that will not happen. Remember he is a teacher.
5) I am a control freak at work. I would rather do something myself then have to fix what someone else did because it was not the way I would do it.
6) On top of being a control freak, I am a neat freak at work. I hate my desk being messy, but don't mind when the house is messy.
7) I own the same car as my brother, 2004 Jeep Liberty. When I say same, I mean everything, inside and out including the color. It was actually Stan's first and then we traded in mine for a new car and I got the Jeep.
8) I am addicted to reality TV. I watch everything from Surviver to Jon & Kate plus 8. I record them so I can fastforward throught the commercials.
9) I am kinda afraid of turning 30. I am not even 29 yet and already dreading the big 30. Maybe it will be better next year.
10) I have tattoo on the lower part of my back (and no it is not a tramp stamp) and now understand why those who get a tattoo want to get more. I will pass on some advice, if you ever think of getting one, think good and hard and make it meaningful because it will always be there.

5 blogs that I follow-well I really don't follow many, but will list those that I do follow.
1) His, Mine & Ours-Rachel
2) Happy Hills-Jamie
3) future Mrs Wunderlich-Kathy
4) My Personal Bio-Deandra
Like I said I don't follow many, but might have to steal some from Rachel. She has some good ones

What I received free lately:
I don't know if it classified as free, but my bank ran a promotion in December that you can skip the December car payment, (it gets added onto the end of the loan). So that was nice, helped out with Christmas and personal property taxes.


Ash Wednesday

So for those of you that are Christian/Catholic know that yesterday was Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Stan & I went to our church for the mass and wow what a homily. Now I am not going to preach about my faith and about how you should go to church and now is the time to start. But I just have to put in to words what I was feeling last night and how I am going to try to approach this Lent.

Lent is supposed to be the time of prayer and penance as we prepare for Easter. Growing up I was always asked to give up something during Lent and that way I would understand what Jesus went through for us. But I really never understood the meaning. I then came out of church last night with a whole new appreciation for Lent. Fr Ed was so passionate about his homily it almost made me cry. He spoke those words we hear ever year "for dust you are and dust you will return." It does not matter what treasures you have now for you will return to dust. But it is that faith you have that will lead you to a better life. So instead of giving up something this Lent, I am going to strive to not only be a better person, but a better Catholic. Help those that need it, pray more and strengthen my relationship with God and others.

"A great Lent can really make you miserable. You give up things you enjoy. You do without excesses. You practice charity to people you'd rather ignore. You cut back on sweets or caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, or meat, or dairy. You break your routine and the results are usually the same. Within 48 hours after Lent begins, you get grumpy. But a good Lent can really make you happy. You find out what your cravings are. You strongly put them aside because your craving for God is deeper. God responds to your search and rewards you with a closer union. You end the season more confortable at prayer, more giving to others, less attached to material things."